Insights and Innovations: Accounting for Climate Risks through the TCFDs

This course is a 3 part webinar series, taking place at 10:00 – 11:00 on 25th June, 2nd July and 9th July.
Resilience is a word we are hearing a lot right now, but mainly in the context of our health, our public infrastructure and economy as we cope with the impacts of COVID-19. But even in this time of COVID crisis, we need to be looking forward and ensuring our businesses and built assets are resilient to current and future climate change.
One of the first steps to overcoming the risks of climate change is for organisations to understand and report against them. The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFDs) has been created to enable organisations to understand what financial markets want from disclosures and how to measure and respond to climate change risks. This process will allow organisations to align their disclosures with investor and stakeholder needs.
To help the built environment adapt to climate change, we are hosting a three-part educational webinar series on the TCFDs. We will walk listeners through what TCFDs are, the transitional and physical risks and opportunities as well as how to adopt the recommendations and report in line with TCFDs. This will include the opportunity to ask your questions to industry experts.
There will be three one-hour webinars:
Webinar 1 – Introduction to climate risks and the TCFDs
Thursday 25th June, 10 – 11 am
Webinar 2 – Assessing and reporting transition risks
Thursday 2nd July, 10 – 11 am
Webinar 3 – Assessing and reporting physical risks
Thursday 9th of July, 10 – 11 am
- Alastair Mant, Head of Business Transformation, UKGBC
- Ben Peel, Climate Change Mitigation Consultant, The Carbon Trust
- Dominic Burbridge, Associate Director, The Carbon Trust
- Nadine Jenkins, Sustainability Advisor, UKGBC
- Peter Willcocks, Sustainability Consultant, EVORA Global
Dr Eva Gkenakou, Sustainability Director, Multiplex
- Fernanda Amemiya, Sustainability Reporting Manager, Landsec
- Robert Winch, Sustainability Officer, UKGBC
- More speakers TBC
Who should attend and why?
Built environment professionals, investment managers, finance and risk professionals who are interested in the physical and transitional risks that climate change presents for businesses and built assets and what the expectations are of the financial community.
For more information on our climate change mitigation work see our Advancing Net Zero programme and for more on our climate change adaptation work see our Increasing Nature-Based Solutions programme.
Innovation Showcase – Embodied Carbon calculation tools

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